**not based on scientific research** yet

Vive Pro Eye

Lucas Wozniak
Sounak Ghosh
Ayanna Seals
Lilly Lin
April 2022

Attention Alien

To help kids with ADHD not give in to distractions and stay focused on the task (here, reading).

In this game, you have to read sentences in front of you, while little aliens are dancing at the periphery of your vision trying to draw your attention, but if you look at them they stop dancing and stare at you.

The longer you look at it, the more energy it drains from you, and you lose the game.

This could be a fun exercise to learn how to not give in to distractions and stay focused on the task (reading).

The EEG data would be passive, simply showing if the focus level is increasing or decreasing. This would help to validate if the attention training is effective or not.

rajshree saraf, May 2022